Historiques et publicités
John Gardner
John Gardner est né en Angleterre et y aurait travaillé une dizaine d'années dans le domaine pharmaceutique avant de s'établir à Montréal vers 1845. Les annuaires de Montréal mentionnent sa pharmacie pour le première fois en 1854 sur Notre-Dame. Vers 1877, on indique qu'il est propriétaire du Gardner's Medical Hall sur Ste-Catherine. On atteste son existence pour la dernière fois en 1891, au coin des rues Notre-Dame et McGill.
Source: ARGYLL, John D.S.C., Industries of Canada: City of Montreal, Historical Publishing Company, Montréal, 1886, p.124.
Liste des bouteilles
Epileptic Cure
J. Gardner, Chemist and Druggist, 457 Notre Dame Street, desires to inform the public that he has on hand a good assortment of rosewood cases, containing articles for the toilet - very suitable for Christmas presents. Also, a large variety of perfumes, hair brushes, nail and tooth brushes, combs, &c., &c. He also desires to remind his customers that his bottles of superior syrups contains (sic) one fourth more in quantity than those usually put up. Hot rolls or cakes made with Gardner's Baking Powder cannot be excelled. For sale by grocers in all parts of the Dominion. In 1 lb. packets _?_; 6 lbs., $1._?_.
Gardner's Cough Remedy
Gardner's Blood Purifier
Gardner's Domestic Cough Remedy
Gardner's Epileptic Cure
Gardner's Quinine Wine Bitters
Un couvercle de pot de pâte à dents au nom de J. Gardner.